Salads, salads, salads. It's going to be warm this week and I won't want to be in the kitchen too much.
Breakfasts: Cereal for Tai and these No-Bake PB2 and Oat bars for me.
Lunches: Hamburgers and leftovers.
Monday: Niçoise Salad (no potatoes or anchovies though)
Tuesday: Take out
Wednesday: Happy hour with coworkers
Thursday: Take out
Friday: Cobb Salads
Saturday: Thai Red Curry Slaw
Sunday: Turkey and Apple Salads
What are you making this week?
I really need to make a plan, especially as I'm hoping to go light on the grocery shopping this week. But so far I don't have anything planned except for the ravioli I have in the fridge. Gah. Hamburgers sounds yum!