Thursday, May 14, 2015

Charlotte Sometimes by Penelope Farmer

I added Charlotte Sometimes to my tbr list after reading about it in My Real Children. I do like stories about time travel. While it was a good read, it was a little deeper than I thought it would be.

Charlotte Makepeace goes to a new boarding school in the late 1950's. She's nervous to be away from home. The other girls seem strange. Charlotte goes to bed that night and wakes up in another room in 1918. Charlotte has switched places with a girl named Clare and Clare has replaced Charlotte. Charlotte and Clare switch places everyday. The girls use a diary to communicate but still find it difficult to live each others lives. The story mostly follows Charlotte and her travels back in time.

I found it hard to believe this was a children's book. The concepts and feelings the girls had felt slightly more adult. While I enjoyed the story, the fact that these were children made it harder for me to imagine. Not that they time traveled but that they both understand and grasped the concepts. That was the most difficult part of the book. I really enjoyed reading about Charlotte trying to understand about WWI and learning how to fit in during 1918.

Overall I liked Charlotte Sometimes. I don't know if I'd read Farmer's other books. I enjoyed the story and the writing but Charlotte Sometimes felt like enough. Others who shared their thoughts about Charlotte Sometimes: The Book Smugglers, Gifted  by Juxtabooks, and Opinions of A Wolf.

1 comment:

  1. What an intriguing idea! I also love reading about kids at boarding schools. Plus the fact it's historical with a bit of fantasy makes me even more excited for it!


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