Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Weekly Geek #7

Is there a particular era that you love reading about? Tell us about it--give us a book list, if you'd like. Include pictures or some fun facts from that time period, maybe link to a website that focuses on that time. Educate us.

Do you have a favorite book that really pulled you back in time, or perhaps gave you a special interest in that period? Include a link to a review of it on another book blog if you can find one (doesn't have to be a Weekly Geek participant).

Historical romance is one of my guilty pleasures. I tend to shy away from romance especially Harlequin romance novels. But I confessed my guilty pleasure a few weeks ago, so here's the whole confession.
When I was a teen I found Sunfire Romance novels. I think I read Jacquelyn first which I don't seem to have anymore. I was entraced with the time (the Depression) and her struggles to afford things that she had before the depression. It seemed so romantic. I made an effort to find more. I wound up collecting 10 of the 32 books.I liked the different time periods. I don't really have a favorite time period although I tend to gravitate toward medieval and Civil War era. Odd combo huh?
Any other closet historical romance readers out there?


  1. I've really gotten into period pieces in England from the reign of Henry II. Also anything set in France in the 17th century.

    Some eras I can't stand though. Okay mostly anything from the Romantic period. Yuck.

  2. Medieval, Renaissance and Tudor England or WWII in Europe. Absolutely fascinated!

  3. I loved, loved, loved these books when I was in high school. The one that sticks in my mind involved the Johnstown flood and a love triangle.


Shiny! I love comments.