Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Autobiography of Santa Claus by Jeff Guinn

I'm so glad I picked up The Autobiography of Santa Claus. What a delightful story! Not only is this the story of how Santa came to be but also the story of how Christmas evolved and Santa's role in it. It's obvious that Guinn did a lot of research to tell this story. There's plenty of information on how different countries and cultures celebrate Christmas as well as facts about history. I was completely drawn into Santa's story as well the historical aspects that he saw over the years. Set up to read each chapter over the 24 days leading up to Christmas, I could see a family reading a little bit each night. I read the whole book over the course of a weekend. It was so engaging I had trouble putting it down!
Highly recommended. Others who shared their thoughts on The Autobiography of Santa Claus: AWriter's Life, Candy's Raves, and Book Addiction.
This is the first book I read for The Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge.

1 comment:

  1. It does sound cool :) I do wonder about things like this, but then we do had a different sort of santa here before he was all Coca-cola made


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