Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Goals and Update on my 2016 Goals

Ha ha ha ha! I didn't even come close to doing any of my 2016 goals. I didn't buy a bike until the end of summer. I barely rode it but did ride our stationary bike a bit. Moving took up most of my year. And I've still got boxes to unpack. I never made it a zumba or other dance related class. I still have a ton of mental clutter (although I'm working on disposing of those negative tapes).  My 2017 goals are a lot smaller.

Prepare to do something physically challenging in 2018. Either STP, Tough Mudder, or a 5k. I need to get in shape and I like having an activity to do rather than trying to lose a certain amount of weight.

Be able to park my car in the garage by December 31, 2017. The garage still has lots of boxes. A lot of stuff I need to find a place for. A lot of stuff needs to go.

Add yoga back into my life at least once a week. I love yoga. It's like a massage for my soul. Even if I have to do it at home, it's better than nothing.

One hour a day without technology (no phone, no computer, no tv). I spend way too much time mindlessly staring at a screen.

Add more art into my life. Go to the art museum three times a year. See more plays. Find ways to let art into my life.

Get back to meal planning. Life's easier when I know what I'm making for dinner.

Take more pictures. I'm going to do those photo of a day lists like Fat Mum Slim. Any you would recommend?

2016 was quite a year. I'm looking forward to making 2017 a great one.

1 comment:

  1. You are not the only one who didn't hit all their 2016 goals. Good luck this year! You can do it!


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