Anyway my coworkers all drooled when I told about my own cheesesteak. Almost all of them have made this delicious sandwich themselves and come back to rave about it. If you make it let me know if you like too!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Making My Coworkers Jealous
Anyway my coworkers all drooled when I told about my own cheesesteak. Almost all of them have made this delicious sandwich themselves and come back to rave about it. If you make it let me know if you like too!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Weekly Geek #4

This week we are going to continue with the theme started last week and go even further exploring our favorite book characters.
Many of us have had an opportunity to interview an author, mostly through email, but perhaps even on the phone or in person. In fact, many of you have become experts at author interviews. So this week, let's pretend that we can get in contact with one of our favorite characters and interview them. What would you ask Mr. Darcy if you could send him an email. What would his answers be like? What would you say if you could just call up Liesel or Rudy from The Book Thief and ask them anything? How would they answer your questions? What if you could invite Jo March or Anne Shirley to lunch, what would the conversation be like?
So blog about that imagined conversation, or phone discussion, or email exchange. Of course, there may be lots of things we'll have to make up or imagine them saying. But many things we should be able to figure out their answers just from what we know of them in their respective books.
So I've been thinking about this since Saturday when it was posted. But I've had a cold for the past couple of days and can't seem to think straight so you'll have to forgive me for skipping this. But I wanted to post some of the other delightful conversations people came up with.
Suey had a lovely conversation with Mary Bennet.
It's Dark in the Dark had a great conversation with Cthulhu. I learned so many interesting things about this mysterious creature.
Naida talked with Lestat and asked him his opinions about The Interview with Vampire movie.
Which literary character would you want to sit down with?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Library Loot #2

Tai: So these are new books that you are showing off to others. Give them ideas of what to read?
Me: No, these are books that someone else got last week and I decided to get them too.
Tai:So you're just showing what people got last week this week?
Me: Uh, yup.
So this week I got Life Sucks, a graphic novel by Jessica Abel and Gabriel Soria. It was recommended on bookgirl's blog. Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith was recommended on someone else's blog (forgot who now) but I just read the reviews on Amazon and this appears to be book 2 of 3. Drat! I'll have to return it and get book one. And Shopping Your Closet by Melanie Charlton Fascitelli which was part of A Striped Armchair's Library Loot last week. I'm really excited about Shop Your Closet. I've been weeding out my closet for the past month. It's not a one day project. It takes time. So I'm hoping it will give me ideas for what to do with what's in there. And not going out and buying more, right now.
So, did you get anything good from the library?
Contemplating Sewing

Anyone else look at fabric and dream about what you could do?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Roasted Pork Loin
Monday, February 23, 2009
Relationship Meme
♥ What are your middle names? Maria and he doesn't have one.
♥ How long have you been together? We met 6/15/06
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? We met online and talked for week before we met.
♥ Who asked who out? I think I suggested we meet first.
♥ Whose siblings do you see the most? Neither. His live in CA, mine in TX.
♥ Do you have any children? Nope
♥ What about pets? Not yet
♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? finances
♥ Did you go to the same school? Nope
♥ Are you from the same home town? Nope, he's from CA, I'm from WA.
♥ Who is the smartest? Depends on the subject
♥ Who is the most sensitive? I think I am.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? No where right now. We go through our spurts where we like certain places.
♥ Who has the craziest ex? He does. Mine leave us alone. His sadly do not.
♥ Who has the worst temper? I do.
♥ Who does the cooking? I do. Tai doesn't cook very often.
♥ Who is more social? Depends on the situation. He would say me, but he makes friends so easy.
♥ Who is the neat-freak? Neither of us. We're both pretty messy.
♥ Who is the more stubborn? We both are pretty stubborn.
♥ Who hogs the bed? Whoever gets in first.
♥ Who wakes up earlier? He does.
♥ Where was your first date? Starbucks
♥ Who has the bigger family? He does.
♥ Do you get flowers often? Nope. I don't like flowers as much as balloons.
♥ How do you spend the holidays? Together. Sometimes with friends or my dad.
♥ Who is more jealous? I am.
♥ How long did it take to get serious? A month or so.
♥ Who eats more? I think we're equal on this.
♥ Who does/did the laundry? I do. He helps put it away.
♥ Who’s better with the computer? He is.
♥ Who drives when you are together? Now we can fight over that.
Saturday, February 21, 2009



Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday Truths
*What we do have is nothing you want.
*When finding the most perfect recipe, I will undoubtedly not have one key ingredient.
*When I buy that one key special ingredient I will never have another use for the vat of product I had to buy.
*Encore shows the same 6 movies on a loop all day.
*Movies with good trailers are rarely good movies.
*If I want to see a movie, it will be gone from the theater by the time I get there.
*The shirt I want to wear is always dirty.
*Tai runs out of socks despite me buying more. I think he hides them.
*The yummy candy disappears before I have a chance to enjoy them.
*Fridays never come quickly enough. Sunday night is here before I know it.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A New Favorite!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Weekly Geek #3

Bridget Jones from Bridget Jones' Diary: power, strength, vigor, virtue, exalted one.
Nope I don't think any of those words describe Bridget. She doesn't use her power (which she does have). She's weak most of the time, not strong. And I wouldn't say she's virtuous.
Jamima Jones from Jamima J: It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "dove". Biblical: eldest of the three daughters of Job (see also Keren and Kezia), renowned as the most beautiful women of their time.
I don't think Jamima as a dove. But I do think she is pure in her intents despite what she does to get there. But I definitely think she is a beautiful person which she learns towards the end of the book.
Scarlett from Gone With The Wind: It is of Old French origin, and its meaning is "red".
I definitely think of red when I think of Scarlett. That red dress that Rhett made her wear to Ashley's birthday party:

Candace Shapiro from Good In Bed: It is of Ethiopian origin. Also possibly (Latin) "clarity; whiteness".
Candace is looking for clarity for most of the book. I don't think she embodies clarity though.
Linda:It is of Spanish origin, and its meaning is "pretty".
Tai would agree that I'm pretty. I don't often think so. Funny story. When I took Spanish in junior high, our teacher would write linda when someone did a good job on their paper. I would get everyone's paper since they thought she was saying it was mine.
Ever look up what your name means?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Library Loot #1

Hopefully I'll have a chance to read both of these before they have to go back to the library. I'm in the middle of my book club book right now (The Friday Night Knitting Club). Must read that first!
Bar Hopping In Belltown
First we hit Spur:
But Ashley and I decided to see what else Belltown held. So we walked a block to Kushibar:
The third stop was Umi. I didn't take a picture, sorry. Ashley had been raving about Umi's sushi for a while so we treked over. It was ok. I had the octopus and Copper River Salmon. The salmon was delicious but the octopus was cut too thick for my taste. I might try it again but I was really full from Kushibar.
I definitely think we'll try the bar hopping model again. It was a lot of fun trying a bunch of new places rather than just one. And the small plates were easy on my wallet.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Living Room Redo
Then I got rid of our old rickety DVD rack and used one of the leftover bookshelves for our DVDs:
How was your weekend?
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Love List
♥Snuggling with my husband
♥Flannel sheets
♥Coffee first thing in the morning
♥The deli I stop at every morning
♥Laughing with friends
♥ This hairstyle:
♥Chicken salad
♥Real Simple
♥My iPod
♥Making my coworkers laugh
♥Finding cute new clothes
♥ Cookies
What's your love list?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Special Meal
This menu gets pulled out at birthdays, holidays and special occasions. It's hands down our favorite special occasion dinner at home.
First we start with aged steaks from Whole Foods:

Then bacon wrapped scallops:

And we'll wash the whole thing down with Tai's favorite lambic.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Big Girls Can Wear Sexy Things Too
I think most of you know I have a thing for lingerie. I have 2 entire drawers devoted to bras and panties. I love buying pretty undies. I don't really buy pretty nightgowns or lingerie. Tai's certainly doesn't buy them for me. I don't think he pays much attention to what I wear. But Valentine's Day is on it's way and marketing tells me to buy pretty underthings. I can't resist marketing!
Lingerie - by honeylin on
I focused on plus sizes cause I am a plus size. Just cause you're a plus size doesn't mean you can't buy something lacy and skimpy!
Planning on buying anything skimpy for Valentines?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Weekly Geek #2

Judge a Book By Its Cover!
This week it's all about judging books by their covers! Pick a book--any book, really--and search out multiple book cover images for that book. They could span a decade or two (or more)...Or they could span several countries. Which cover is your favorite? Which one is your least favorite? Which one best 'captures' what the book is about?

I think this one is my favorite:
My least favorite is this one:
Are there are novels that you read over and over again?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Kris' Shower
Then we headed to Jen's house to continue the party. Since Kris is planning a destination wedding, she was sad that she wasn't getting a cake tasting. She'll taste her cake for the first time on her wedding day. We asked everyone to bring a cake so she could have her own cake tasting!
Janet made cupcakes with M&Ms:
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sweaters - by honeylin on
I went though my sweaters the other day. I now have 4 sweaters I can wear to work. Not going to cut it. It's always cold in our office, so I need more. I feel a shopping trip coming.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Street Music
So for your Friday afternoon listening pleasure:
This isn't the gentleman who I see daily. But gives you an idea of the music I enjoy.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Flickr Meme

1. My Daughter ^.^ !, 2. great sushi lunch!, 3. Turquoise pearl, 4. When Waves Collide, 5. Bones, 6. Something about superhero's, Muppets™, whiskey, stuffed animals and pink slippers (062/365), 7. Sunset Cruise, 8. hamburger cake, 9. Day 106 - I am a librarian, 10. Tai expresses his opinion!!, 11. Loyal, 12. BrainWash And Set
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker.
The Questions:
1. What is your first name? Linda (This is was the first one that wasn't some teenager)
2. What is your favorite food? Sushi
3. What high school did you go to? Forest Ridge and no that is not a picture of my high school
4. What is your favorite color? Blue ( I just picked one)
5. Who is your celebrity crush? David Boreanz
6. Favorite drink? Whiskey
7. Dream vacation? Cruise
8. Favorite dessert? Cake (I love how it's a hamburger. I love hamburgers too!)
9. What you want to be when you grow up? writer but the librarian is my current wish.
10. What do you love most in life? Tai (and I choose the sassiest one)
11. One Word to describe you? Loyal
12. Your flickr name? omitted.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Weekly Geek #1

I found this weekly challenge through someone else's blog (ack I forgot who), but it sounded fun. I especially like the name. So here goes my first attempt.
This week's Weekly Geek is inspired by Dewey's Knit-a-Long, a mini challenge of Dewey's Reading Challenge. Dewey had other passions besides reading and blogging. Knitting was one of them. This made me think, what are the Weekly Geek's other passions?
#1. What are you passionate about besides reading and blogging? For example, are you crafty (knitting, woodworking, scrapbooking, model building)? Do you cook? Into gaming (computer or board)? Sports (player or spectator)? Photography? Maybe you like geocaching, rock climbing? Or love attending events like renaissance fairs, concerts? Music? Dancing? You get the idea.
I love cooking. I get passionate about local food and making fantastic meals. Sometimes they only look good in my head.
I love music and I love to dance. I used to take dance classes when I was younger. I'm not a musical individual. I can't play an instrument but I do love it when other people can. I'm starting to support local musicians more with the help of my friends. And looking forward to going to more local music events.
#2. Get us involved. Link to tutorials, recipes, Youtube videos, websites, fan sites, etc, anything that will help us learn more about your interest or how to do your hobby. Maybe you'd like to link to another hobbyist whose work you admire or tell us about a book or magazine related to your interest.
My passion for local food was started by the 100 mile diet. Then I read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and re-realized my passion.
As for music and dancing. My friends go to a local bar to hear local musicians jam weekly. It's amazing how a few folks that maybe don't know each other can play some amazing music. I'd definitely like to go more often. And yes you can dance there too.
Going out and dancing used to be something I did all the time pre-Tai. Now, I just don't. I think the old bars aren't my scene anymore. I'm looking for some new places I can boogie at.
#3. Visit other Weekly Geeks. Link in your post to other Geeks who've peaked your interest in their passion. Or maybe you might find a fellow afincionado among us, link to them.
I'll be adding It's Dark In the Dark's blog to my Google reader. I think I'll get some book recs for Tai out of that. But I love the paper crafting. So detailed.
And Becky who loves Sintra and Dean Martin. Ah, It was great to listen to some of those great songs.
Monniblog makes these beautiful earrings.
Robin at a Fondness for Reading also likes music. One of her favorite albums is Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon, an album Tai just got me to listen to.
I'm glad I found this group. I think I'll be sticking around.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Blockbuster vs Netflix
In those first few months of dating Tai I put my movies on a shelf and kind of forgot about them. Then one day Tai said, let's go rent a movie. I explained to him the lovely convenience of Netflix and showed him the 3 movies that had been collecting dust for the past few months. He looked at them and said "I don't want to watch these. Let's go to the video rental place."
Now, I'm sure you've experienced the horror of wandering through a video rental place with another person. Let's be honest it doesn't matter if it's your boyfriend or your friend it's not always easy to decided on a movie. Well Tai and I did this a few times. It was a hit or miss solution. Often we couldn't decide on something or they didn't have what we wanted.
Tai couldn't get into the Netflix experience. Choosing movies online seemed odd to him. He did used to work in a video store so some habits die hard.
Around this time Blockbuster announced their online movie deal. It was similar to Netflix but you could rent movies in the store as well. This was the perfect solution to our problem. We switched to Blockbuster. We get 3 movies from our online queue and return them at the store for 3 movies there at no additional cost. It really works well for us. I couldn't be happier with Blockbuster. Plus it's totally convienent since there is a Blockbuster down the street from our place.
So we still go to the store which Tai enjoys. He likes to interact with the staff and see how our choices rate. And there is less wandering around now. We know movies we want to see since we know what's in our queue. Plus there seems to be more movies to choose from now. Probably because more people are using the online options.
What about you? How do you get your movie fix?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Rolling Duffle
rolling duffle - by honeylin on
I'm determined to carry on our luggage. Do you think I can do this? Anyone have any good tips on not getting taffata wrinkled? I'll be on the look out for a new duffle. I'm sure it will be featured on our trip recaps :)