Thursday, May 28, 2009
Drop Biscuits
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Weekly Geek #13

Again with Memorial Day Weekend here in the U.S. starting traditionally on Friday evening, it also is unofficially the start of summer. You've probably been asked this in other meme groups in which you participate, but do your reading habits change over the summer? Do you choose lighter fare? What do you enjoy to take to the beach, for example? What is the ultimate summer book?
I don't change my reading habits in the summer. I used to do the whole beach read/trashy novel approach. But now I just read whatever is in my pile. But there is something about reading a trashy novel while laying by a pool! I would recommend something like Second Assistant or one of the Shopaholic books. Keep it light and fluffy!
Library Loot #14

I was able to finish 2 books this past week. First Wicked Lovely. I was intrigued by the reviews of this book during the read-a-thon. Not disappointed at all. I really enjoyed getting lost in the fairy world. It was a fun book and I look forward to completing the series. I did fill the void I felt when I finished Twilight. Other reviews of Wicked Lovely can be found at A Journey Of Books, Jenny Loves To Read, and Paperback Passion.
I also read Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist. I loved this movie so when I heard it was orginally a book, I had to read it. For me it was hard to read the book. I kept hearing Micheal Cera's voice (oddly not Kat Demings). One chapter is Nick and the next Nora. And they go back and forth like that. The writing is very stream of conciousness but the movie was too. The movie closely followed the book so I kept picturing the movie. All this book did for me was want to see the movie again and again. For more reviews, check Stop, Drop, and Read, YAnnabe, and Mixtures: Books...+.
What did you get this week?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
How I Spent My Memorial Day
Monday, May 25, 2009
This week's Farmer Market Haul
Have a great Memorial Day! I don't know what Tai and will get up to, but probably will involve eating!
Friday, May 22, 2009
ABC's Of Me
I stole this from Rachel. It looked like fun.
A - Age: 33
B - Bed size: Queen
C - Chore you hate: cleaning the bathroom, emptying the dishwasher, taking out the trash, vacuuming. I hate all chores except laundry.
D - Dog's name: No puppies at this time.
E - Essential start your day item: Dan-active, my meds and a shower.
F - Favorite color: I’m favoring blue these days, but I like all colors.
G - Gold or Silver or Platinum: Usually silver or platinum
H - Height: 5'8"
I - Instruments you play: None, like Rachel I took piano when I was kid.
J - Job title: Advocate
K - Kid(s): None of those either
L - Living arrangements: One bedroom apartment with hubby
M - Mom's name: Connie
N - Nicknames: Tai has a bunch of random nicknames for me like beautiful baby or shea butter butt.
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: None
P - Pet Peeve: People who block doors or stand in the middle of the sidewalk.
Q - Quote from a movie: Ex-squeeze me? Baking powder?- From Wayne's World. I still say this.
R - Right handed or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: One older brother
T - Time you wake up: 6:20am
U- Underwear: Like as in do I wear any or what kind do I wear? Bikinis
V - Vegetable you dislike: None. I love all veggies.
W - Ways you run late: slept late, left late, traffic
X - X-rays you've had: dental
Y - Yummy food you make: Curry, spaghetti, pizza
Z - Zoo favorite: I like seeing all the animals. No real favorites.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
PW's Ginger Steak Salad
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Library Loot #13

I was pretty excited to see a review of Dark Places on Omnivoracious. I enjoyed Sharp Objects so I hope I enjoy this one too. Although I need to prepare myself apparently, so it's down my list.
I finished Perfect Fifths. I was so excited for the conculsion of Jessica and Marcus' story. I was so engrossed in the story I didn't notice when my bus got into a small accident. No one was hurt. I only noticed when the driver screamed. I was that engrossed! This book was short but it tied up their story nicely. Other reviews can be found at Wondrous Reads,What Was I Reading?, and Steph Su Reads.
Weekly Geek #12

Do you live in a place where a famous author was born? Does your town have any cool literary museums or monuments? Does Stephen King live at the end of your street? Was Twilight set in your hometown?
Share your fun literary facts about the town or area where you live. You can talk about famous (or not so famous) authors who live there, novels that have been set in your area, or any other literary facts that you know about where you live. Feel free to embellish with pictures of places and/or authors, maps of the area, and fun facts about the authors.
As usual, feel free to personalize this. Don’t like your hometown? Pick another! Do you live in a literary wasteland? Feel free to expand and discuss a region. Feel like returning to a place you lived 20 years ago? Go for it!
I can think of books set here in the PNW but I can't think of many authors. Oh, let's turn to the internet for help.
Duh, Dan Savage lives in Seattle. I think of him more as a columnist than an author but he has written a couple of books.
Ann Rule lives in the Seattle area. I've never read her books, but I think she wrote several books about local murders.
Tom Robbins lives in the Seattle area as well. I've never read his books either. Never seen the movie Even Cowgirls Get The Blues.
As for novels that are set around here, I've read Broken For You and Nisei Daughter. The Twilight novels were set in Forks. I know Hotel On the Corner Bitter and Sweet is set in Seattle so it's on my tbr list.
Any of your favorite books set in the Seattle area?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Farmer's Market Haul
I heard a rumor that sugar snap peas will be available next week. I love sugar snap peas so let's see how much I'll buy.
Saturday, May 16, 2009


Friday, May 15, 2009
Book Meme Again
Not usually. I tend to read on the bus so no snacking.
2. Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
I don't write in my books anymore. I haven't felt the need to.
3. How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
I try to use bookmarks but I have been known to fold down a page.
4. Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
I like fiction mostly but I will read non-fiction.
5. Hardcopy or audiobooks?
I usually buy paperbacks. I get whatever I can from the library. I don't listen to audiobooks.
6. Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point?
Nope, I'm able to put it down when I need to.
7. If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away? Write it down to look it up later? Just try to infer what it means from the rest of the sentence, and keep going?
I usually infer, but I'll look it up later.
8. What are you currently reading?
Perfect Fifths
9. What is the last book(s) you bought?
I haven't bought a book in a while. I can't remember now.
10. Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can read more than one at a time?
I usually only read one.
11. Do you like re-reading books?
Nope. I usually don't. I have too many books to read!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Asparagus with Garlic, Ginger, and Sesame
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Weekly Geek #11
Do you use bookmarks or just grab whatever is handy to mark your page? Do you collect lots of different bookmarks or do you have a favorite one that you use exclusively? If you're not someone who uses bookmarks on a regular basis, have you ever used anything odd to mark your place?
If you make your own bookmarks or have a bookmark collection, please feel free to share some pictures with the rest of us.
I used to have a collection of bookmarks as a child but I've lost most of them. When I go to Dad's I'll have to see if any are left.
I have 2 bookmarks I keep in my bag.

What about you? Do you use bookmarks? Or do you just fold the corner down (which I have done before)?
Library Loot #12

I mentioned discovering the books about biblical women last month. I sadly had to take back Rebekah back before I could read it. Hopefully I'll be able to read Sarah before it's due back.
Last week I read The Sharper The Knife, The Less You Cry. I actually enjoyed it. I've always harbored the idea that I would go to culinary school for fun like she did. But this book cured me of that idea. I have no intention of being a chef so going through the pain of being yelled at doesn't sound appealing. I think cooking classes might be more up my alley. Delicious sounding recipes though. Also made me want to go to Paris but that seems pretty easy. Food related memoir are quickly becoming my favorite type of non-fiction. Other reviews can be found at Book Nut, Deborah On The Go, and Reading for Sanity.
Get anything good this week?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Cabbage Mint Salad
green cabbage
mint (dried is ok, fresh is better)
lemon juice (preferably fresh squeezed but bottled is ok)
olive oil
Combine to your taste. This time I used a whole cabbage, but the above photo is probably half a cabbage. I used 4 tbs of lemon juice, 8 leaves of mint, 2tbs of olive oil, and 2 tsp of salt. You want every bite to have a little bit of each. Serve chilled.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Farmer's Market Haul
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Steak, Tacos & Ice Cream on Capitol Hill
Marta got the baked olives and almonds which turned out to be a real treat.
After Tin Table we headed over to Rancho Bravo Tacos. I heard about the famous taco truck opening their own store on Nancy Leson's blog, All You Can Eat.
And lastly the reason we were so excited to head to Tin Table. It's in the same building as the new Molly Moon location.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Library Loot #11

Tai's reading Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series. This is the next one. It's one large book.
I read about The Umbrella Academy on Omnivoracious last week. I was intrigued since the author also worked on Buffy and Hellboy comics.
Nothing for me since I'm knee deep in books! I raced through Lark and Termite in order to get it back to the library on time. I was very impressed by Jayne Anne Phillips' writing style. It was like reading a movie. I could see all the action. I also liked how she bounced from character to character especially Robert's time in Korea. It related to the main story and about Lark and her brother, Termite, so well. But each character had it's own voice, so articulated from each other. If you like a well told story, then put this on your list! Other more eloquent reviews can be found at Clarion Friends, The Mooske and the Gripes, and Book Reviews.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Cinco De Mayo
Smoky Spicy Tamale Pie-I'm still wanting to try this one.
Simple Perfect Enchiladas-PW you can't go wrong!
Tex-Mex Breakfast-I should have tried this one when I had Jimmy Dean sausage. Although I think it would be yummy with chorizo.
Tacos Al Pastor-One of my favorites! I especially like how he tops them in the picture-with cilantro and onion.
Whatever you make today, have a great Cinco De Mayo!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Faith 21

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yes, this show has been on for a while. We've seen a few episodes here and there but now we're going to watch the seasons from the beginning.