Wednesday, December 31, 2014
What's In A Name Reading Challenge 2015
I participated in the What's In A Name Reading Challenge in 2014 and loved it. I'm excited to give it another go. For the 2015 categories, go here.
Foodies Read 2015
I skipped the Foodies Read challenge for the last two years (?) but I missed it so I'm back. Plus foodie books are really the only nonfiction I read. I'm looking forward to this one. I'm going for the Chef de Cuisine level (14-18 books)! I think I can do it.
Graphic Novel & Manga Challenge 2015
Even though I usually read a lot of graphic novels, I've never joined a challenge about reading them. Until now. I'm signing up for the Graphic Novels Challenge for 2015. I'm going for the Bronze Age: Read and review (!) 24 books. The reading part will be fine. It's the reviewing part I'm terrible with. But let's give it a go.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
I added Howl's Moving Castle to my library holds because I've never seen the movie nor had I read anything by Diana Wynne Jones. I'm so glad I did because Howl's Moving Castle is amazing. Diana Wynne Jones makes the story jump off the page. It was such a beautifully written story.
Sophie is the oldest of three daughters. In her country that means that she's the worse off. Her youngest sister will be able to leave to seek her fortune while the eldest two stay behind. But fate strikes and Sophie's step mom sends the two younger sisters to apprentice with local businesses and decides to leave Sophie the family's hat making shop. At first, Sophie thinks this will be ok but then realizes that she'll never leave her town. One day, the evil witch enters Sophie's hat shop and curses her. Sophie turns into an old woman. Worried that seeing her as an old woman will upset her family, Sophie heads out to seek her fortune. The rest of the story is about Sophie's journey and who she meets out in the world.
Sophie was delightful. Even though she was turned into an old woman, she never gave up. She kept on going without missing a beat. Sophie also brought the best out in the other characters. None of the other characters were my favorite unless Sophie was interacting with them. Michael was alright. Calcifer had some funny bits but he was better with Sophie. And I didn't like Howl til the end. Sophie's land is full of magic which I enjoyed. But it all felt so real too. It was awesome.
If you couldn't tell, I whole heartedly recommend Howl's Moving Castle. I have to watch the movie now. I can't wait to read more by Diana Wynne Jones. Others who shared their thoughts on Howl's Moving Castle: Fantasy Cafe, Whispering Words, and The Book Smugglers.
Sophie is the oldest of three daughters. In her country that means that she's the worse off. Her youngest sister will be able to leave to seek her fortune while the eldest two stay behind. But fate strikes and Sophie's step mom sends the two younger sisters to apprentice with local businesses and decides to leave Sophie the family's hat making shop. At first, Sophie thinks this will be ok but then realizes that she'll never leave her town. One day, the evil witch enters Sophie's hat shop and curses her. Sophie turns into an old woman. Worried that seeing her as an old woman will upset her family, Sophie heads out to seek her fortune. The rest of the story is about Sophie's journey and who she meets out in the world.
Sophie was delightful. Even though she was turned into an old woman, she never gave up. She kept on going without missing a beat. Sophie also brought the best out in the other characters. None of the other characters were my favorite unless Sophie was interacting with them. Michael was alright. Calcifer had some funny bits but he was better with Sophie. And I didn't like Howl til the end. Sophie's land is full of magic which I enjoyed. But it all felt so real too. It was awesome.
If you couldn't tell, I whole heartedly recommend Howl's Moving Castle. I have to watch the movie now. I can't wait to read more by Diana Wynne Jones. Others who shared their thoughts on Howl's Moving Castle: Fantasy Cafe, Whispering Words, and The Book Smugglers.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Centaur Rising by Jane Yolen
I added Centaur Rising to my library hold list because I wanted to read more Yolen. After reading Centaur Rising, I want to read more Yolen. Yolen combines historical fiction and fantasy so beautifully. I enjoyed every minute of Centaur Rising.
Arianne's family lives on a horse farm. During a meteor shower, Arianne watches a ball of light come down and meet one of their ponies. About a year later, a centaur is born. For the next year, Arianne's family raise the centaur.
The story is mostly told from Arianne's point of view but the other characters are also beautifully written. Arianne's little brother, Robbie, is in a wheelchair. Robbie is a thalidomide baby. Through his help, Robbie makes sure everyone sees the centaur as a person, not a thing or a monster. Yolen creates this very realistic family and gives this magic. Each character brings something different to the story and the centaur brings something different out of them.
Centaur Rising is beautifully told story. Yolen creates such magic that it's hard to put down. I can't wait to read more of her books. Others who shared their thoughts on Centaur Rising: When Loose Ends Meet, Megan Likes Books, and Rebecca Reads.
Arianne's family lives on a horse farm. During a meteor shower, Arianne watches a ball of light come down and meet one of their ponies. About a year later, a centaur is born. For the next year, Arianne's family raise the centaur.
The story is mostly told from Arianne's point of view but the other characters are also beautifully written. Arianne's little brother, Robbie, is in a wheelchair. Robbie is a thalidomide baby. Through his help, Robbie makes sure everyone sees the centaur as a person, not a thing or a monster. Yolen creates this very realistic family and gives this magic. Each character brings something different to the story and the centaur brings something different out of them.
Centaur Rising is beautifully told story. Yolen creates such magic that it's hard to put down. I can't wait to read more of her books. Others who shared their thoughts on Centaur Rising: When Loose Ends Meet, Megan Likes Books, and Rebecca Reads.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Pride and Precipitation by Heather Horrocks
I had Pride and Precipitation on my Kindle from a free ebook buying spree. Since my first choice for the weather category of What's In A Name didn't work out for me (The Scent of Rain and Lightning), I scrambled around for another choice. I requested a few books from the library but I was concerned that I wouldn't receive them in time. So I started digging through the books I own. Pride and Precipitation was a cute story and a quick read.
Breezy Jones loves her job as the on air meteorologist for her local tv station. Her dad was the meteorologist previously so Breezy inherited her love of weather from him. Things are going well for Breezy until Noah Drake comes to town. Noah is the new general manager and has been tasked to shake things up. Breezy with her small town girl charm is one of things that upper management wants to change.
I immediately liked Breezy. She's smart and not easily swayed by a good looking guy. Noah has a history of firing people when he shows up. It's not insta-love for these two which I liked. They liked each other but tread carefully and spent time getting to know one another. This is Christian fiction but no religious talk. In fact, I don't think church even comes up. But the story is definitely wholesome. Breezy's got a group of female friends that she spends time with. I enjoyed their interactions and would read the rest of the series to find out what happens to them.
Overall, I enjoyed Pride and Precipitation. It was a good, heart warming read. Others who shared their thoughts on Pride and Precipitation: The Reading Cafe, I'm A Reader, and Bubble Bath Books.
This satisfies the weather category for What's In A Name Reading Challenge.
Breezy Jones loves her job as the on air meteorologist for her local tv station. Her dad was the meteorologist previously so Breezy inherited her love of weather from him. Things are going well for Breezy until Noah Drake comes to town. Noah is the new general manager and has been tasked to shake things up. Breezy with her small town girl charm is one of things that upper management wants to change.
I immediately liked Breezy. She's smart and not easily swayed by a good looking guy. Noah has a history of firing people when he shows up. It's not insta-love for these two which I liked. They liked each other but tread carefully and spent time getting to know one another. This is Christian fiction but no religious talk. In fact, I don't think church even comes up. But the story is definitely wholesome. Breezy's got a group of female friends that she spends time with. I enjoyed their interactions and would read the rest of the series to find out what happens to them.
Overall, I enjoyed Pride and Precipitation. It was a good, heart warming read. Others who shared their thoughts on Pride and Precipitation: The Reading Cafe, I'm A Reader, and Bubble Bath Books.
This satisfies the weather category for What's In A Name Reading Challenge.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Awkward And Awesome Thursday
-The amount of food I'll most like eat over the next week. Yum. My new pants probably won't fit for a while!
-How lazy I'm going to be over my vacation. I probably won't get a single thing done. Who cares though!
-I haven't gotten started on my year end posts. Hopefully I can drag my lazy butt to the computer to do those.
-I'm on vacation until Jan 2! Yay!
-It's Christmas! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.
-I've finished 150 books! Yay me!
What's awkward and awesome for you?
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Library Loot
Always looking for graphic novels about real events.
I spotted Walks With Men on a Buzzfeed article about If you liked this book written by a man, you'll enjoy this book written by a woman. I liked Catcher In The Rye so I think I'll like Walks With Men.
What did you get this week? Share your loot below.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Teaser Tuesday-Centaur Rising by Jane Yolen
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
"For someone who desperately wanted magic in her life, that was a pretty small response. But as Martha often said, wanting and getting can be difficult neighbors."
pg 30 Centaur Rising by Jane Yolen
Monday, December 22, 2014
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
I picked up Open Road Summer off the library shelf because it looked good. Wow, I was blown away by Open Road Summer. Far exceeded my expectations!
Country music star Lilah Montgomery is going on her first headliner tour. Her best friend, Reagan, tags along. Mostly because Lilah thinks she'll be bored but Reagan needs a new start. I loved Lilah. She was sweet and funny. She totally reminded me if Taylor Swift. Reagan's more prickly. She's been hurt and fears being hurt again. I adored how close the two girls were and how they cared about each other. And then there's adorable Matt Finch, another musician, who joins Lilah's tour. Reagan's interested but Matt appears to be a little more straight-laced than Reagan's used to. Matt is so swoon worthy though. I enjoyed his scenes a lot :)
Overall, Open Road Summer was a blast to read. The characters were relatable and genuine. I really enjoyed reading Open Road Summer and look forward to reading more by Emery Lord. Others who shared their thoughts on Open Road Summer: YA Love, Good Books & Good Wine, Confessions of A Book Addict, and What A Nerd Girl Says.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Weekend Cooking: Favorite Kitchen Items
I've been wanting to gush about some of my favorite kitchen items for a while now. Today seems like the perfect time. In case you are looking for any holiday gift ideas for the cook in your life.
First up my favorite pans. I have three that I love.
Tai got me this Calphalon 5 quart saute pan a few years ago. I wanted it to cook chicken in but after a few failed attempts I boxed it back up.
I was really used to non-stick pans. But this pan wasn't non-stick. One day when making steak, I decided to give this pan a try. Here I really learned its value. It sears beautiful. I use it for most things now. A little bit more fat keeps things from sticking. And a baking soda scrub helps remove all the stuck on food.
I loved the 5 quart but it was a little big for some dishes. I bought this Cuisinart fry pan at Marshall's. It was a lot cheaper than Amazon but I had been looking for one for several months.
Again it's not non-stick. But I've learned how to baby it.
Both of these are investments but I believe I'll be using both of them for several years.
For non-stick needs, I bought this skillet at World Market.
Very reasonably priced. I don't use it as much as the other two so it's held up well.
My other favorites fall into the accessories category.
I'm so glad I bought a microplaner. I have both the classic grater and the coarse grater. I like the classic for zesting limes and lemons.
I find the coarse one better for grating cheese like Parmesan. But I think it's a matter of preference. Both would make great stocking stuffers.
And finally my vacuum sealer. I bought mine during a holiday sale probably about 5 years ago. It was $10.
I use it a couple of times a month. I'm sad that some day I will have to replace it. It doesn't suck out as much air as it used to. But I've gotten my money's worth. I'll definitely buy another Food Saver.
What are your favorite kitchen items?
First up my favorite pans. I have three that I love.
Tai got me this Calphalon 5 quart saute pan a few years ago. I wanted it to cook chicken in but after a few failed attempts I boxed it back up.
I was really used to non-stick pans. But this pan wasn't non-stick. One day when making steak, I decided to give this pan a try. Here I really learned its value. It sears beautiful. I use it for most things now. A little bit more fat keeps things from sticking. And a baking soda scrub helps remove all the stuck on food.
I loved the 5 quart but it was a little big for some dishes. I bought this Cuisinart fry pan at Marshall's. It was a lot cheaper than Amazon but I had been looking for one for several months.
Again it's not non-stick. But I've learned how to baby it.
Both of these are investments but I believe I'll be using both of them for several years.
For non-stick needs, I bought this skillet at World Market.
Very reasonably priced. I don't use it as much as the other two so it's held up well.
My other favorites fall into the accessories category.
I'm so glad I bought a microplaner. I have both the classic grater and the coarse grater. I like the classic for zesting limes and lemons.
I find the coarse one better for grating cheese like Parmesan. But I think it's a matter of preference. Both would make great stocking stuffers.
And finally my vacuum sealer. I bought mine during a holiday sale probably about 5 years ago. It was $10.
I use it a couple of times a month. I'm sad that some day I will have to replace it. It doesn't suck out as much air as it used to. But I've gotten my money's worth. I'll definitely buy another Food Saver.
What are your favorite kitchen items?
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Library Loot
Recently when I put a book on hold, I think I will be reading this in 2015. So strange. I have the week after Christmas off of work. I'll either be reading or sleeping. Most likely eating.
I have a hard time asking for help so I thought reading about it might help.
Fantasy set in Mexico? Sign me up.
What did you get this week? Claire's got the linky.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Teaser Tuesday-Austenland by Shannon Hale
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
"A olive stuck to the piece of lettuce on Jane's fork, and when she tried to flick it off, it flew over the table and tapped a waiter in the butt. Jane scowled."
pg 7 Austenland by Shannon Hale
Monday, December 15, 2014
The Jewel by Amy Ewing
I put The Jewel on my library hold list because of the beautiful cover and some positive reviews I read. The Jewel is a great start to an interesting dystopian world. I definitely enjoyed it.
Violet is born to be a surrogate. The royalty of her time are unable to bear their own children. Young women of the lower classes are able to bear their children for them. Violet is worried about which house she'll be sold into and how her new life will be. I liked Violet. Stubborn and smart, she tries to navigate a world she was unprepared for. She meets some interesting people along the way. I liked her maid, Annabelle, who I think has some secrets of her own. I wasn't too into the romance. Ash didn't woo me but I can give him time.
I could have used a little more world building especially some history with their class system. I'm hoping that book two will have more history to it. But it reminded me of a cross between a Victorian romance and A Handmaid's Tale. The royalty have their games and power mongering. The lower classes are trying to make it out alive. By the end of The Jewel, I was craving more. I look forward to see where Ewing takes it.
Overall, I thought this was a great start to a series. I look forward to the second in the series, The House of Stone. Others who shared their thoughts on The Jewel: Good Books & Good Wine, What A Nerd Girl Says, YA Midnight Reads, and Bookworm Dreams.
Violet is born to be a surrogate. The royalty of her time are unable to bear their own children. Young women of the lower classes are able to bear their children for them. Violet is worried about which house she'll be sold into and how her new life will be. I liked Violet. Stubborn and smart, she tries to navigate a world she was unprepared for. She meets some interesting people along the way. I liked her maid, Annabelle, who I think has some secrets of her own. I wasn't too into the romance. Ash didn't woo me but I can give him time.
I could have used a little more world building especially some history with their class system. I'm hoping that book two will have more history to it. But it reminded me of a cross between a Victorian romance and A Handmaid's Tale. The royalty have their games and power mongering. The lower classes are trying to make it out alive. By the end of The Jewel, I was craving more. I look forward to see where Ewing takes it.
Overall, I thought this was a great start to a series. I look forward to the second in the series, The House of Stone. Others who shared their thoughts on The Jewel: Good Books & Good Wine, What A Nerd Girl Says, YA Midnight Reads, and Bookworm Dreams.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Awkward and Awesome Thursday
-The laundry. I've been to busy to make it all the way through our pile in months. I now feel like this:
-The amount of books I've been reviewing < The amount of books I've been reading. Hopefully that will change.
-As I mentioned last time I did an Awkward and Awesome post, I was close to 2 goals. One was paying off my debt which I did last month. Yay! I had that beast since college so I was glad to finish it off. I'm so thankful to Tai for helping me make it happen.
-My other goal is weight loss. I'm 5 lbs from my first goal weight. I'm hoping to be there by my birthday in January. I want to celebrate with some new pants.
What's been awesome and awkward in your life lately?
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Library Loot
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Teaser Tuesday- The Jewel by Amy Ewing
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
"The train runs slowly on an elevated track through a maze of cast-iron behemoths, factories that tower over the streets, their chimneys belching smoke in a variety of colors-dark gray, white, greenish-purple, dull red. The streets are teeming with people, their faces gaunt, their backs bent."
pg 38 The Jewel by Amy Ewing
Monday, December 8, 2014
The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson
I've always heard good things about Laurie Halse Anderson's books. But I'd never read one. So when I spotted The Impossible Knife of Memory on the library shelf, I decided to give her a try. I'm so glad I did. The Impossible Knife of Memory was beautiful, well-told, and moving. Definitely will be reading more of Halse Anderson's books.
It's Hayley's senior year. Hayley and her dad have been nomadic for the last few years. Hayley's been riding shotgun in his truck as they toured the United States. But suddenly Hayley's dad decided to bring her back to his hometown. Hayley's not thrilled to have settled down but hopes it will help bring her dad some peace. Hayley's dad is a recent war vet and his PTSD keeps it hard for him to hold a job or much else. Hayley just wants to make it through school so she can try to help her dad.
I liked Hayley. She's not concerned about "normal" teen things dates, dances, clothing. But instead she worries about food, having enough money, and her dad's declining mental health. She finds it hard to make friends because most other kids of more "normal" concerns but she finds a couple of kids (Grace and Finn) who both have issues of their own. But Halse Anderson doesn't just make the book about the issues. She crafts fantastic characters who have these messy lives and gives them a chance to work it all out. Plus I was a fan of the solid ending.
I look forward to reading more by Halse Anderson. The Impossible Knife of Memory is a book I won't soon forget. I even teared up a bit at the end. Such a rarity for me! Others who shared their thoughts on The Impossible Knife of Memory: Candace's Book Blog, Twenty by Jenny, and The Midnight Garden.
It's Hayley's senior year. Hayley and her dad have been nomadic for the last few years. Hayley's been riding shotgun in his truck as they toured the United States. But suddenly Hayley's dad decided to bring her back to his hometown. Hayley's not thrilled to have settled down but hopes it will help bring her dad some peace. Hayley's dad is a recent war vet and his PTSD keeps it hard for him to hold a job or much else. Hayley just wants to make it through school so she can try to help her dad.
I liked Hayley. She's not concerned about "normal" teen things dates, dances, clothing. But instead she worries about food, having enough money, and her dad's declining mental health. She finds it hard to make friends because most other kids of more "normal" concerns but she finds a couple of kids (Grace and Finn) who both have issues of their own. But Halse Anderson doesn't just make the book about the issues. She crafts fantastic characters who have these messy lives and gives them a chance to work it all out. Plus I was a fan of the solid ending.
I look forward to reading more by Halse Anderson. The Impossible Knife of Memory is a book I won't soon forget. I even teared up a bit at the end. Such a rarity for me! Others who shared their thoughts on The Impossible Knife of Memory: Candace's Book Blog, Twenty by Jenny, and The Midnight Garden.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Library Loot
December. Perfect time of year to read. It's cold and dark so cuddling up with a good book and a hot beverage is acceptable. Unfortunately lots of holiday parties and other holiday related activities take up reading time. I'm tempted to say I'm busy until the end of the year so I can stay home and read.
The Girls of August
It's been ages since I've read a book by Anne Rivers Siddons. I spotted this one on the shelf and decided it was time to read one of her books again.
Centaur Rising
I've been meaning to read more Yolen.
The Female Man
I was reading a list of Nebula award winners and this one caught my eye.
What did you get this week? Claire's got the linky this week.
The Girls of August
It's been ages since I've read a book by Anne Rivers Siddons. I spotted this one on the shelf and decided it was time to read one of her books again.
Centaur Rising
I've been meaning to read more Yolen.
The Female Man
I was reading a list of Nebula award winners and this one caught my eye.
What did you get this week? Claire's got the linky this week.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Teaser Tuesday-We Are Not Ourselves by Matthew Thomas
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
"She watched him work, his pasty legs sticking out absurdly from his briefs, and waited for him to swivel in his chair to face her, to be a normal man for a moment. Angry, disappointed, she walked over and turned the air conditioner on."
pg 70 We are Not Ourselves by Mathew Thomas
Monday, December 1, 2014
November Book Tally
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
Endless Chain by Emilie Richards
The Girl With All The Gifts by MR Carey
My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories edited by Stephanie Perkins
The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire
Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Leob
The Secret Service by Mark Millar
Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale
Peanut by Ayun Halliday
Four: A Divergent Story Collection by Veronica Roth
I didn't have a month like last month :( But I did read some good books. I'm still getting closer to my goal so it's all good.
Endless Chain by Emilie Richards
The Girl With All The Gifts by MR Carey
My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories edited by Stephanie Perkins
The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire
Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Leob
The Secret Service by Mark Millar
Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale
Peanut by Ayun Halliday
Four: A Divergent Story Collection by Veronica Roth
I didn't have a month like last month :( But I did read some good books. I'm still getting closer to my goal so it's all good.
Romance Reading Challenge This month: 0 ( none this month) YTD: 26
Historical Reading Challenge This month: 0 ( none this month) YTD: 15
What's In A Name Challenge This month:0 (none this month) YTD: 5
Yearly Total: 140
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Turkey Day Questionnaire
Do you have an Thanksgiving day traditions?
Other than eating way too much food and watching the football games? I also like to start my Christmas cards after dinner.
List three dishes that are on your family's table every year.
My mom's chestnut and sausage stuffing, biscuits, and cranberry sauce.
Pumpkin pie or Pecan pie?
Will you watch a football game today?
Yes. My beloved Seahawks are playing today so I'll be watching and wearing my blue.
Do you plan to exercise today?
I might go to the gym once I finish typing this up. It depends on what everyone else wants to do.
Ham or turkey?
Tough call. I like both but always turkey on Thanksgiving.
Will you go shopping on Black Friday?
Nope. I rather stay home and relax. Sounds stressful.
Do you take a nap on Thanksgiving?
Usually no. I'm doing all the cooking so I get very little rest time til after the meal is put away.
Do you share things you are thankful for a the dinner table?
No, we're an ungrateful bunch.
Do you cook the whole dinner, just the bird, or just a side dish?
I love Thanksgiving food. We stay home so I can cook the whole meal. I look forward to this every year!
Have a happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. For everyone else, happy Thursday!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Library Loot
This month is not like last month. Unless I read almost all Thanksgiving weekend, I won't have a month like last month. I'll be lucky if I read 10 books this month. Not sure what happened. Busy month.
The Moor's Account
I saw The Moor's Account on one of those best of 2014 lists that have started to pop up. I added it to my queue.
What did you get this week? Add your link below.
The Moor's Account
I saw The Moor's Account on one of those best of 2014 lists that have started to pop up. I added it to my queue.
What did you get this week? Add your link below.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Teaser Tuesday-Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
pg 34 Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Library Loot
Into The Deep
I read Replay last year. I didn't think I would read another book by Grimwood. But Seth MacFarlane tweeted about Into The Deep being a better book. So I decided to check it out. Sometimes you find book recommendations in the oddest places.
What did you check out this week? Claire's got the linky.
I read Replay last year. I didn't think I would read another book by Grimwood. But Seth MacFarlane tweeted about Into The Deep being a better book. So I decided to check it out. Sometimes you find book recommendations in the oddest places.
What did you check out this week? Claire's got the linky.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Teaser Tuesday-The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
pg 2 The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Awesome and Awkward Thursday
-While two out of three of my personal goals for the year are in progress, I really hoped that I'd be further along. My third goal will be complete this month and I'll share about it then.
-My addiction to Flying Saucer Pizza. I've been searching for the best pizza and I've found it. I'd love to say it's a rare treat but I find myself there once a week. Tai loves that they have Rogue root beer on tap.
-I was able to clean out my closet and donate some too big for me clothing. Yes, one goal is weight loss and I'm making good steady progress.
-Life has been a little less crazy. I'm enjoying some more stay at home weekends.
-Tai and I have been going to see a lot of movies lately. Last weekend we saw Big Hero Six and Interstellar. We enjoyed both and would both of them again.
What's been awkward and awesome in your life lately?
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Library Loot
Just a couple this week. Still have a lot to read! I hoping for a few quiet weekends to get some reading done.
We Are Not Ourselves
I spied We Are Not Ourselves on a couple of award lists. Thought I'd check it out.
The Winter Long
The next in the October Daye series.
What did you get this week? Add your link below!
We Are Not Ourselves
I spied We Are Not Ourselves on a couple of award lists. Thought I'd check it out.
The Winter Long
The next in the October Daye series.
What did you get this week? Add your link below!
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