Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How the Hell Did I Get So Old?

Mrs W is having another baby. M and I decided that we would buy the new baby a gift and something for the W's 3 year old daughter. M was in charge of the baby gift and I was in charge of the 3 year old's gift. Little W just started preschool so we thought she might like a little purse or backpack since she's grown up girl off to school. I figured they'd have a good selection of little girl stuff at Libby Lu.
Libby Lu is the type of store that I would have loved as a little girl. All those glittery lip balms, Hello Kitty, and smelly lotions. Hell, I still like that shit. (Yes, I feel it imperative to swear in a post about children.)
Upon entering Libby Lu I saw a display full of small purses and backpacks. I grabbed one, glad to find something so quickly. But this one had a little blond girl on it. Who the hell is Hanna Montana? Who the hell would name their child Hannah Montana?? I don't know if the little W like this little blond girl or not. Is Hannah Montana an appropriate role model for a 3 year old? Not wanting to risk either of the W women's wrath, I left the Hannah Montana display.
I found more backpacks, adorned with the cast of High School Musical. I think HSM is a little old for the Little W. My friend's 14 year old likes it so I passed on those as well.
Now the entire time I'm in the store, I have 2 salesgirls following me around asking me if I'm finding everything ok. I'm reluctant to ask for help because I chose this store because I kind of wanted to look around but now I feel like I'm coming off as a thief or potential child snatcher. It's the middle of the day and I'm wandering the mall. I'm clearly not a stay at home mom, retired, or out for a leisurely mall trip.
I've settled on a small messenger bag that says Rockstar on it. I passed on Diva and Princess. I don't want to give the kid a complex. As I'm paying for it, the girl asks me if I want a bag. Ok, sure. She pulls out a box with a handle on it, stuff the box with tissue paper and shoves the bag into the box, and tapes the handle together. I'm thinking, I said bag, lady. But I take the box and disassembled the whole deal once I leave the store.
I hope Little W likes it. I hope Mr & Mrs W don't hate it. Trying to pick out a gift for a child when you have no clue what they want sucks!

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