The no alcohol was not my choice. The campground is run by the county and their rule is no alcohol.
When we were first looking for a locations I didn't even bother with places that didn't allow alcohol. But when we saw the campground I changed my mind. The campground had most of the features we wanted-an outdoor wedding, an indoor location, and the ablility to stay there all night. Tai really wanted some place we could relax with our friends. He felt that hotels and other standard wedding venues would really be confining. I disliked that we had to leave a certain time. If I'm having a good time I won't want to leave. With the campground we can stay in the barn until we are ready to leave then move to the camp sites to hang out.
But I can't provide my guests liquor. I keep telling people that if they want a drink they better bring it.
One of the most popular questions on the knot boards is how much liquor and other beverages to buy. Even if you aren't in charge of buying your own liquor you still should know how much people can put away.
So I searched the net for these handy dandy calculators:

I really like that they break up the sections differently. They also have a specific chart for wine.

This is usually my go to drink calculator. I like that you can customize it. It's pretty basic.

I hope these are helpful for you. And let me know if you know any other good beverage calculator resources.
Wow. Do you and your fiancee not drink? Just curious how guests will react, or if they are truly prepared.
ReplyDeleteI must sound like such a lush, but I can't imagine hosting a big party and not serving drinks. It seems like the appeal of being able to stay all night, is that you don't have to worry about people driving drunk. We knew guests were getting into taxis after our wedding, so we rested easy.
How is the campground going to police the situation? Do they not want you to let your guests bring any in either? Are they going to check?
The no alcohol was not my choice. The campground is staffed until 6pm. Most of my friends know that there's no alcohol and are planning to bring their own.
ReplyDeleteTai and I do drink but we're not big drinkers.
I don't know anyone that camps without a bottle of something.